Marketing Communications
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The Art of Creative.  The Science of Results.

There is both art and science to creating a great marketing communications function.  Brand identity, integrated campaigns, content marketing, social media, events, PR – marketing execution must reflect the corporate business strategy, the marketing strategy, and the product strategy.  Yet today, with the explosion in social networking channels, marketing no longer controls the message, it orchestrates it.  That requires creative that has stopping power, and science that listens to the market and measures results.

Grace Five helps clients take their strategy and translate it to appropriate marketing communications tactics to grow their “share of voice.”  The marketing mix is changing – scarce marketing dollars must be allocated to the tactics that will have the most payback. Content must be consumable, relevant, and readily available to the potential buyer.  With the buyer in more control than ever, marketing communications must make the company found when the buyer is ready to seek.

Services offered by Grace Five include the entire marketing communications portfolio.
    • Strategic and Tactical Planning
    • Brand Development
    • Campaign Design and Strategy
    • Advertising
    • Direct Marketing
    • Collateral Development
    • Event Management
    • “Drip” and Nurturing Campaigns
    • Public Relations
    • Case Study/Testimonial Development
    • Graphic Design
    • Web Design and Social Media
    • Video and Multimedia
    • Customer Loyalty and User Group Programs
    • Field Marketing
    • Sales Presentations
    • Systems Implementation
    • Marketing Budgets
    • Marketing Performance Reporting