Gen5 drives growth for B2B technology companies by building compelling brand stories and thought leadership positions, and architecting a marketing and sales infrastructure to generate leads.
Startups, emerging companies, and high-growth pre- and early IPOs, primarily with business-to-business (B2B) technology offerings, turn to Gen5 when they are ready to accelerate sales and build their brand and market share.
Gen5 is team of engineering, marketing and product management professionals. Our intent, during any engagement, is to provide services that directly impact revenue and to partner in a way that sustains and empowers the existing team.
We work closely with
- executive leadership
- marketing
- product management
- sales
to ensure that goals are met – whether the goal is to define an entire go-to-market strategy for an emerging company hoping to attract investors or simply to spiff up current campaigns to improve prospect engagement.
Check out the infographic to the right to learn more about what we do. We are Charlotte’s B2B marketing agency, serving growth companies nationwide.