Webinar: The 3 Keys to Being a Thought Leader
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…and Why It Is Essential for SMBs to Beat the Big Guys

Wednesday, June 23rd | 2:00pm EDT

If you’re a B2B technology company, your goal is to become an industry thought leader. Why? Because it is the path to revenue.

If you’re a small or medium business with high growth aspirations, and think you don’t have the resources to go head to head with the larger competition, think again. The fact is having fewer resources is the reason thought leadership is a “must have.” Thought leadership is how you become your prospect’s preferred choice.

Alex Johnson
Creative Director
Dana Saylors

So where do you begin? Some companies believe getting out more and more content is the key to getting noticed earlier. But if the content does not support a Thought Leadership position in the reader’s mind, you are simply diluting your message. Content must be based on a Thought Leadership concept – and everything you deliver to the market must support and reinforce that concept so your prospects will naturally believe you’re the solution to their challenges.

In this 30-minute webinar, you’ll learn about the three most essential elements in becoming a Thought Leader. The speakers include Gen5 Founder and President Dana Saylors, who has over two decades of executive experience in creating Thought Leadership positions for B2B tech companies.

Register below today and join us on Wednesday, June 23rd at 2:00pm EDT to start taking the first steps towards becoming your industry’s thought leader.

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